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- 1910.147 - Applicablility of the lockout/tagout standards. - 09/09/1993
- 1910.147 - Article in Magazine Containing Incorrect Information About Lockout/Tagout Requirements. - 09/04/1991
- 1910.147 - Authorized employees and periodic lockout/tagout inspections. - 08/05/1994
- 1910.147 - Clarification of the Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout) Standard. - 07/26/1994
- 1910.147 - Compliance with 1910.147 using the new Block-Out safety product line. - 04/04/1991
- 1910.147 - Concerning the new lockout/tagout standard. - 05/01/1990
- 1910.147 - Confirmation on lockout/tagout, specifically with the standard covering periodic inspections. - 07/31/1991
- 1910.147 - Continued enforcement of Lockout/Tagout Standard - 10/21/1991
- 1910.147 - Control of hazardous energy (lockout/tagout) standard. - 06/23/1997
- 1910.147 - Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout) standard. - 07/07/1994
- 1910.147 - Control of Hazardous Energy Sources (lockout/tagout). - 01/16/1990
- 1910.147 - Control of Hazardous Energy Sources Lockout/Tagout. - 10/15/1990
- 1910.147 - Controlling Confined Space Hazards in Deep Tanks for Parts Cleaning - 05/08/2012
- 1910.147 - Cord and plug connected electric equipment. - 06/30/1993
- 1910.147 - Electrical safety related work practices standard. - 01/07/1992
- 1910.147 - Energy control devices lockable design requiremnets. - 06/24/1992
- 1910.147 - Enforcement of the Control of Hazardous Energy (LOTO). - 10/30/1996
- 1910.147 - Guarding of machinery in bowling centers. - 05/23/1990
- 1910.147 - Inspection Guidance for Poultry Slaughtering and Poultry Processing Establishments - [OSHA Act of 1970 - Section 5(a)(1)] - 10/28/2015
- 1910.147 - Interpretation of 29 CFR 1910.147 - Lockout Devices. - 03/03/1992
- 1910.147 - Interpretation on the control of hazardous energy (lockout/tagout) standard. - 07/28/1995
- 1910.147 - Interpretation/variance with the energy isolation device requirements. - 01/05/1998
- 1910.147 - Is Lockout/Tagout applicable to television transmission towers. - 06/09/1993
- 1910.147 - Lock out/Tag out periodic inspection requirements. - 03/09/2004
- 1910.147 - Lockout/Tagout Citations Against the USDA. - 08/14/1995
- 1910.147 - Lockout/Tagout Citations Against the USDA. - 06/13/1995
- 1910.147 - Lockout/Tagout for circuit breaker blocking and locking devices. - 08/30/1991
- 1910.147 - Lockout/tagout issues: "unexpected energization" and minor servicing operations. - 10/05/1999
- 1910.147 - Lockout/tagout procedures; training; annual inspection; outside personnel. - 06/20/1996
- 1910.147 - Lockout/Tagout-Corrugated Metal Industry. - 11/07/1990
- 1910.147 - LOTO: Use of heavy-duty nylon cable ties as lockout devices in lieu of chains and locks. - 12/07/2004
- 1910.147 - Machine guarding. - 05/28/1996
- 1910.147 - Maintenance activities performed in oil and gas production operations. - 11/01/1996
- 1910.147 - Occupational Safety and Health Administration's Bakery Equipment Standard. - 07/03/1996
- 1910.147 - OSHA policies concerning employees working at home. - 01/06/2000
- 1910.147 - OSHA policies concerning employees working at home. - 11/15/1999
- 1910.147 - OSHA's lockout/tagout standard is not applicable to maritime employment. - 02/09/1994
- 1910.147 - Permit-Required Confined Spaces and Lockout/Tagout. - 11/06/1996
- 1910.147 - Request for Compliance Assistance on High Profile Case. - 04/23/1997
- 1910.147 - Review of Panduit's lockout/tagout training video. - 11/19/1992
- 1910.147 - The Lockout/Tagout Standard. - 09/27/1995
- 1910.147 - The obligations and responsibilities of machine manufacturers under the lockout/tagout standard. - 03/08/1991
- 1910.147 - Whether or not OSHA Standard 1910.147, lockout/tagout would apply to motor vehicles. - 05/20/1991
- 1910.147 - Workers must be protected from hazards of heated (hot) surfaces. - 08/19/1998
- 1910.147(a)(2)(ii) - Application of 1910.147 to the change out of a grinding wheel. - 10/20/1998
- 1910.147(a)(2)(ii) - Coverage of minor machine-servicing activities under the Lockout/Tagout standard. - 05/17/2002
- 1910.147(a)(2)(ii) - LOTO: minor servicing exemption and the use of a lockable on/off switch as an alternate measure to provide effective protection. - 10/20/2004
- 1910.147(a)(2)(ii) - Motor-control-circuit switches and relays are prohibited from being used as energy isolating devices. - 07/15/2003
- 1910.147(a)(2)(ii) - Scenario of a tool change process applied to Lock Out/Tag Out's service and maintenance exception. - 06/21/2002
- 1910.147(a)(2)(iii)(A) - Application of 1910.147 to the change out of a grinding wheel. - 10/20/1998
- 1910.147(a)(2)(iii)(A) - Coverage of minor machine-servicing activities under the Lockout/Tagout standard. - 05/17/2002
- 1910.147(b) - A lock is considered a lockout device. - 09/11/2000
- 1910.147(b) - Energy control procedures must be developed unless eight conditions met. - 04/11/2000
- 1910.147(c) - Hazardous energy control lockout/tagout (LOTO) program documentation and certification requirements. - 05/10/2005
- 1910.147(c)(1) - Motor-control-circuit switches and relays are prohibited from being used as energy isolating devices. - 07/15/2003
- 1910.147(c)(1) - Use of "generic" LOTO procedures in conjunction with "work authorization permits". - 11/03/1999
- 1910.147(c)(2)(iii) - The obligations and responsibilities of machine manufacturers under the lockout/tagout standard. - 03/08/1991
- 1910.147(c)(3) - LOTO: Use of heavy-duty nylon cable ties as lockout devices in lieu of chains and locks. - 12/07/2004
- 1910.147(c)(4) - Hazardous energy control lockout/tagout (LOTO) program documentation and certification requirements. - 05/10/2005
- 1910.147(c)(4) - Lockout/tagout procedures, including work permits and groups of machines/equipment. - 08/12/1994
- 1910.147(c)(4)(i) - Energy control procedures must be developed unless eight conditions met. - 04/11/2000
- 1910.147(c)(4)(ii) - Requirements for developing sufficiently-detailed written procedures for all machinery/equipment lockout/tagout. - 01/14/2003
- 1910.147(c)(5) - "Approval" of flexible corrugated plastic covers and generic circuit breaker panel switch lockouts. - 06/28/2000
- 1910.147(c)(5) - Guidance on approval requirments for general circuit breaker panel swich lockouts in General Industry. - 06/24/2002
- 1910.147(c)(5) - Hazardous energy control lockout/tagout (LOTO) program documentation and certification requirements. - 05/10/2005
- 1910.147(c)(5) - LOTO: Use of heavy-duty nylon cable ties as lockout devices in lieu of chains and locks. - 12/07/2004
- 1910.147(c)(5)(i) - LOTO: Use of heavy-duty nylon cable ties as lockout devices in lieu of chains and locks. - 12/07/2004
- 1910.147(c)(5)(ii)(D) - Identity of employee applying lockout and tagout devices. - 03/16/1998
- 1910.147(c)(6) - Hazardous energy control lockout/tagout (LOTO) program documentation and certification requirements. - 05/10/2005
- 1910.147(c)(6) - Lock out/Tag out periodic inspection requirements. - 03/09/2004
- 1910.147(c)(6) - Required components of a LOTO inspection. - 04/06/2001
- 1910.147(c)(6)(i) - Lock out/Tag out periodic inspection requirements. - 03/09/2004
- 1910.147(c)(6)(i)(B) - Lock out/Tag out periodic inspection requirements. - 03/09/2004
- 1910.147(c)(6)(i)(C) - Lock out/Tag out periodic inspection requirements. - 03/09/2004
- 1910.147(c)(6)(i)(D) - Lock out/Tag out periodic inspection requirements. - 03/09/2004
- 1910.147(c)(7) - Hazardous energy control lockout/tagout (LOTO) program documentation and certification requirements. - 05/10/2005
- 1910.147(c)(7) - Required components of a LOTO inspection. - 04/06/2001
- 1910.147(c)(7)(i) - OSHA training Standards Policy Statement. - 04/17/2007
- 1910.147(c)(7)(iii) - Lock out/Tag out periodic inspection requirements. - 03/09/2004
- 1910.147(c)(7)(iv) - Hazardous energy control lockout/tagout (LOTO) program documentation and certification requirements. - 05/10/2005
- 1910.147(c)(7)(iv) - Lock out/Tag out periodic inspection requirements. - 03/09/2004
- 1910.147(d) - Verification procedures for group lockout/tagout. - 11/16/1999
- 1910.147(d)(1) - Requirements for developing sufficiently-detailed written procedures for all machinery/equipment lockout/tagout. - 01/14/2003
- 1910.147(d)(3) - Use of "generic" LOTO procedures in conjunction with "work authorization permits". - 11/03/1999
- 1910.147(f)(3) - Authorized employees may, but are not required to, verify energy isolation in group LO/TO. - 10/24/2000
- 1910.147(f)(3) - Control of Hazardous Energy Sources (Group Lockout/Tagout). - 01/29/1991